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Dive into the thoughts of a philosophical old fart.
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Why in the world would I want to create a blog? I have been asking myself that question a lot ever since my good friend Neil started putting together this web site for me. Maybe I should step back a bit. A few years ago it became possible to register .ca domain names...
One of the things I hate about the internet and Google is that every time I come up with a fantastic new idea, I find out someone has already thought of it. A while back I thought of using the coloured thermometer strips they have for fish tanks and building them into...
Today’s entry marks Helix day ( which is, coincidentally, today. The Helix is a development of the area where the Forth and Clyde Canal meets the River Carron. The Forth and Clyde Canal was constructed in the late 1700s to connect the Firth...
I'm just getting used to my new website and learning the basics, so I thought that I would just add a short post today. If I wait until I have time to post something of epic size and great importance I will probably never write anything. On a similar note, I have...